Results for Digital Deepak

How To Write a Digital Marketing Manager Resume

6 years ago
While looking for a higher role in the Digital Marketing industry, you must have what it takes to be the hire the organization is looking for. And when you are applying to the role of a Digital Marketing Manager, you have to showcase your best skills. You need to market yourself digitally to the employer. To begin with,...
How To Write a Digital Marketing Manager Resume How To Write a Digital Marketing Manager Resume Reviewed by RUPA on 18:59 Rating: 5

Top 10 Digital Marketing Agencies in Hyderabad

6 years ago
As opposed to the traditional form of marketing, digital media has changed the flow of business, making it even faster, smoother and taking it to social forums for one-to-one interaction with customers and clients. So one thought that would inherently come to your mind is that what makes digital marketing so different...
Top 10 Digital Marketing Agencies in Hyderabad Top 10 Digital Marketing Agencies in Hyderabad Reviewed by RUPA on 00:04 Rating: 5

How to Get Started with Email Marketing?

6 years ago
If you know the power of email marketing, you are probably looking how to get started with email marketing. As discussed in the previous emails and blog posts, email marketing is one of the most important components of digital marketing. But how exactly do you get started? What are the steps you need to take to get up...
How to Get Started with Email Marketing? How to Get Started with Email Marketing? Reviewed by RUPA on 00:01 Rating: 5

Is Email Marketing Important in Digital Marketing?

6 years ago
“The Money Is In The List” First I heard this quote in 2015. Till then I wasn’t giving much thought about emails and list building. I was just focusing on writing blog posts and sharing them on my social profiles. When I read it “Money is in the list” it struck me hard. Why am I not building a list? I didn’t have an answer...
Is Email Marketing Important in Digital Marketing? Is Email Marketing Important in Digital Marketing? Reviewed by RUPA on 00:02 Rating: 5

Top 10 Digital Marketing Agencies in Delhi

6 years ago
Today, marketing isn’t the same as it was a decade ago. With the internet ruling our world, businesses have undergone a massive transformation, and so has the marketing techniques. Thanks to the increasing proliferation of the internet and smartphones in every aspect of our lives, we now spend a significant amount of time...
Top 10 Digital Marketing Agencies in Delhi Top 10 Digital Marketing Agencies in Delhi Reviewed by RUPA on 00:02 Rating: 5

[Tip #4] Create and Distribute Content on Multiple Channels

6 years ago
When human beings first invented language, it was limited to spoken language. People communicated about food, hunting, and expanding into new territories. It was an upgrade from sign language, but it still wasn’t revolutionary. We are not too better off from our relatives – the chimpanzees. People realized that written...
[Tip #4] Create and Distribute Content on Multiple Channels [Tip #4] Create and Distribute Content on Multiple Channels Reviewed by RUPA on 00:02 Rating: 5

Top 10 Digital Marketing Agencies in Pune

6 years ago
Which is the one place where you will see words like these being thrown around? 492% increase in downloads with a 51% reduction in cost? Double the revenue! 69% decrease in cost per install. In the Galleria of Digital marketing hallways, slogans like these are common. In times when traditional marketing strategies have...
Top 10 Digital Marketing Agencies in Pune Top 10 Digital Marketing Agencies in Pune Reviewed by RUPA on 00:06 Rating: 5

70,000 Years of Cognitive Revolution Led Us Here

6 years ago
Homo Sapiens (or in other words, us) have been known to have existed in the current form on the planet earth for the past 70,000 years. For a very long time, until recently, we were not the most effective species. We had huge brains, children born prematurely, lower muscle strength than other species of humans, and we...
70,000 Years of Cognitive Revolution Led Us Here 70,000 Years of Cognitive Revolution Led Us Here Reviewed by RUPA on 00:09 Rating: 5
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